Download Our Latest Whitepaper HERE “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” - Heraclitus Think of a river downstream from a dam release; when the water is released the river is filled with water and strong...
Our View: Inflation – Targets Can Shift Or Be Moved. Know How To Separate The News From Noise
Download Our Latest Whitepaper HERE If you recall from our Fourth Quarter Economic review, our topic was Stay on Target. At the end of the newsletter we stated, “Targets can shift or be moved” and “we need to know how to separate the news from the noise.” As we have...
Disco Inferno: Inflation Hot!
Disco Inferno - Inflation Hot! Are We Going Back to the 70's? (To download a printable pdf of this white paper, click HERE). Back in the 70's The last time the USA had crippling inflation was in the late 1970s when Managing Partner and Co-Chief Investment Officer,...
Which Way to Economic Recovery?
What are the markets and investments going to do over the next 12-18 months? Most financial advisors will respond, “No one can know, so just stay the course.” At FourThought Private Wealth, we think this is a cop-out. We agree that no one can see the future, but that...
The Yogi Berra Approach to Forecasting an Economic Recovery
One of the most popular philosophers in the modern era was born on May 12, 1925. He served in the United States Navy during the Normandy landings during World War II, a role which earned him a purple heart. He also played professional baseball. His quips about life...