“We all have a blind spot and it’s shaped exactly like us.”
– Junot Díaz
In addition to our “Am I Going to Be Okay Plan,” we at FourThought Private Wealth have a companion plan to help you recognize blind spots that might keep you from reaching your goals and living your best life.
What do we mean by blind spots?
They are things you may not know you have missed—situations that can take you by surprise if you aren’t prepared, and even derail your plans and lasting wishes. A blind spot can be failure to protect yourself against unnecessary tax liability, or not updating your will to avoid probate. It can be inadequate life insurance, too much insurance or lack of long-term care insurance. It can also be a desire to buy the latest hot stock, or not preparing future generations for the wealth you plan to leave them.
A process for gaining knowledge and clarity
Addressing blind spots and planning your life can be overwhelming. We take a slow and methodical approach to help you gain confidence and control. Approximately every six months, we focus on a separate subject and examine it in depth to make sure it receives the attention it deserves. We call this approach “planning semesters,” and it is the foundation of our Blind Spots Plan.
Pillars of the Blind Spots Plan
One step at a time

Like caring for your health, good planning is ongoing, iterative and part of a lifestyle.
Through the planning semester approach we are constantly managing your personal and financial well-being by focusing on vital topics ranging from estate planning to insurance, aging with dignity, cyber security, financial literacy for your family and much more.
Slow down around the curves

If you think deeply about the endless decisions you must make, all at the same time, you risk making bad decisions or no decisions at all.
Our process gives you time to think about your desires and priorities. We also provide resources, education and subject matter experts to answer your questions and help you make the best decisions possible.
The main thing is to remember the main thing

People sometimes fail to see their plans realized because they forget what is most important and get off track.
They might panic over tax advice from an unqualified source or change their estate plans on a whim. We remind you of what you expressed is most important and help you avoid getting off track.
Teamwork makes the dreams work

Multiple perspectives from qualified professionals and stakeholders result in quality decisions and planning.
Thus, your team at FourThought consists not only of our planners, investment professionals and relationship managers, but also your trusted family members, tax advisors, attorneys and whoever else you feel is important.