Managing partner Scott Pinkerton and research analyst Jake MacFarlane delve into the current...
Articles and Resources
From The FourThought Team
Achieve Holistic Wealth with Scott Pinkerton:
Understanding Financial Freedom
Achieve Financial Freedom in Retirement:
Cashflow ESG Explained by Scott Pinkerton
Understanding Florida Homeowners Insurance And Its Difficulties Authors:Chris Novotney, CAPI, VP and Private Client AdvisorScott Medley CAPI, Managing Principal
Speed Bumps Ahead: A Look At The 4th Quarter
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4th Quarter Economic Review: Stay on Target & Beware of the Biases
Stay on Target - Beware of the Biases (To download a printable pdf of this white paper, click HERE). You remember the climax of the first Star Wars movie... Luke Skywalker is in his X Fighter, zooming on to a runway with the target that, if hit, will destroy...
The Heart of the Matter: Planning Holistically
Disco Inferno: Inflation Hot!
Disco Inferno - Inflation Hot! Are We Going Back to the 70's? (To download a printable pdf of this white paper, click HERE). Back in the 70's The last time the USA had crippling inflation was in the late 1970s when Managing Partner and Co-Chief Investment Officer,...
Are We There Yet?
The Look of Recovery in a Post-Pandemic World (To download a printable pdf of this white paper, click HERE). Many of us have experienced it. You are driving to Florida and the kids can’t wait to see the Magic Kingdom. They have been marking the days on their...
Cash Flow Planning for Financial Freedom Investors
Here’s our latest video on cash flow planning.
The Growth of Video Gaming Could Be a Win for Investors
Few industries have benefited more from the COVID-19 pandemic than the videogame industry, or “gaming.” The pandemic has made gaming more profitable than the film industry and U.S. sports combined. The question remains: can this trend continue? In 2020, the global...
FourThought’s Fourcast Q1 2021 Enjoy our short video with highlights of our economic analysis and commentary for the first quarter of 2021. For in-depth information download our free WHITEPAPER HERE.
Changes We’re Making in This New Season
(To download a printable pdf of this paper please click here.) To say a lot has changed in the last three months is an understatement. In our last white paper, “Don’t Sound the Alarm Until You See the Whites of their Eyes,” we drew the analogy of “wolves” out in the...
Video Resources
From The FourThought Team
Navigating Financial Conversations with Teenagers
Income Opportunities Global
Charitable Giving Tax Strategies Charitable Giving White Paper 2023
4 Minutes With FourThought
FourThought’s 10 Predictions For 2023