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Achieve Holistic Wealth with Scott Pinkerton:
Understanding Financial Freedom

Achieve Financial Freedom in Retirement:
Cashflow ESG Explained by Scott Pinkerton

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Q2 Economic Review: Patriots In The Fog

Download Our Latest Whitepaper HERE COVID-19: Our Yorktown Battle Think back to the American Revolutionary war and The Battle of Yorktown which proved to be the decisive engagement of the war. The British surrender forecast the end of British rule in the colonies and...

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Our View: Bad News Sells Newspapers!

Download Our Latest Whitepaper HERE There is an old adage…” Bad news sells newspapers”.  While that may seem antiquated in today’s digital world, the message is still the same.    Look at some of the headlines over the last week or so, and it is all bad news about the...

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2022 1st Quarter Economic Review and Commentary: Take Me To The River

Download Our Latest Whitepaper HERE “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” - Heraclitus Think of a river downstream from a dam release; when the water is released the river is filled with water and strong...

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From The FourThought Team